Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been working on our yearly photo books. Truthfully, I had a couple of book projects “in the works” from prior years but never really saw them through to completion. The more behind I got the more overwhelmed I felt by the thought of sorting through thousands of photographs and putting them into books. Then one day I read this post by the very talented Deb, and I was so inspired to create these works of art out of our memories. The task soon turned from a chore to an absolute labor of love as I sat there going through all of our family photos reliving each special yet fleeting memory. I’m so excited to see how my books turned out. Here are a few of the pages from the book…. I urge you to do the same! Get your beautiful memories printed into books to be cherished for decades to come. You won’t regret it!




Vanessa these are beautiful, both the words and the pictures!

Love this & your poetry! You just inspired me to do photo books over the Christmas break!

Gerri I think you should! Your beautiful journey should be documented! Katherine, you will love doing it the hardest part is starting it. Thank you both for stopping by!!! 🙂

Vanessa thanks so much for the reminder. This is one of those things that I keep putting off because I’m overwhelmed by the enormity of the thing. But you’re right, if I just start I will love doing it.

I agree wholeheartedly. I’ve only made one photo book, but I think it was one of the smartest things I’ve ever done. Maybe I can start doing a few a year to publish the documentation our lives…
Beautiful images, thanks for sharing. 😉