This year I’ve committed to a photo a day project. Each day’s image the thread that will be woven into a beautiful tapestry of our year. One thread and one day at a time. The road ahead seems long and I’m filled with mixed emotions as I meander my way through the first of many months. Emotions ranging from excitement for all the spectacular and ordinary moments yet to come and for having a plan to capture these little treasures so that they are recorded forever somewhere other than in my memory. The simple, the ordinary and the fleeting nuggets of our day that would normally pass by unrecorded and sometimes even unnoticed and subject to erosion by the winds of time. I’m 21 days in now and already I have encountered fear that my images won’t be good enough or that I will not have the discipline to keep this going day in and day out. Never-the-less I am committed to giving it my all. A labour of pure love and a priceless gift for my girls.
To follow along on my journey check out my Flickr photo stream.